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WEB Leaders

About 50 of our school's 8th graders will be trained in team building activities, cooperative skill development, and discussion skills.Each of these WEB leaders then receive a list of 10 6th graders to telephhone and personally invite to the orientation, to get to know, and to stay in touch with throughou thte school year. They become leaders, motivators, role models, and teachers.

Academic Follow Ups

These occur in the XTS classroom setting where WEB leaders help students academically and with organziation if needed. Leaders will facilitate activities that teach lessons on cooperation, creativity, and positive attiudes.  

Orientation Day

WEB kicks off the school year with a fun filled and educational orientation day that welcomes our transitioning 6th graders into West with a sense of safety and creates an anti-bullying environment.  6th graders are personally invited to attend the orientation by an 8th grade leader who spend the day with them and mentors them throughout their first year of middle school. 

Social Follow Ups

These are school sponsored activites that bring 6th graders and WEB leaders together for a variety of fun events such as school parties, movie afternoons, or other events Student Leaders put on throughout the year.


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